Recent content by Kevin

  1. Kevin

    Completed [JB] Map Megapatch

    they have been added, thank you semi ❤️
  2. Kevin

    Fixed dr_horrors_panda5_d

    dont keep the naming same if you made a prev. release.
  3. Kevin

    Completed [DR] Update dr_neco_arc to v1b

    updated, thank you.
  4. Kevin

    Declined [DR] mlg_bearrun_extended_v1afix2

    based on the poll result declined.
  5. Kevin

    Completed [DR] Update dr_fandomino_v3c1 to v3e

    updated, thanks.
  6. Kevin

    Completed [DR] update dr_sonic_exe_remade to v2e

    updated, thanks.
  7. Kevin

    Completed [DR] Update dr_cybertower to v4

    updated, thanks.
  8. Kevin

    Completed [DR] update forgotten origin from v2b to v2bfix

    updated, thanks.
  9. Kevin

    Completed [DR] update simulacrum from v2b to v2bfix

    updated, thanks.
  10. Kevin

    Completed [DR] Dr_hill_billy

  11. Kevin

    Completed [DR] LA Meltdown

  12. Kevin

    Completed [DR] Add dr_sudatory

  13. Kevin

    Pending Add a !whelp command.

  14. Kevin

    Invalid Edd's ban appeal for Proxy IP
  15. Kevin

    Declined dont ban people from all your servers for breaking the rules made specifically for one gamemode

    thats how our ban system works and thats also how it works in 99% of the other community servers. example - if you cheat on 2fort we should only ban you from the other 2fort servers? doesnt make sense right if you think your ban was made unjustified then appeal it.